Joe Williams in his review terms the film as faint. The name of the article review was “Unlike previous versions, latest ‘Planet of the Apes’ has heart”. Joe Williams says the discussion of the “Planet of Apes” brings about racism. He further suggested that the “ Rise of the Planet of the Apes” made those who were an inferior revolt against their masters …show more content…
Mick views the film negative, and he even thinks that it will not last for many years. Mick believes that the movie is too predictable and that the viewer can always tell what will happen next. The thoughts of mike are nearly those of Joe Williams. According to the analysis of his thoughts, I think that LaSalle was utterly displeased with the movie and that could be the reasons why he had very negative comments regarding it. I could somehow agree with his statement that the original movie “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” had some jokes in it and people could laugh at the jokes in it. Mick said that they laughed because of appreciating and remembering the forty years ago movies were excellent. Indeed, there are no surprises in this movie as stated by Mick. It’s true that one can predict the occurrence of the next incidence but keenly watching there is some sought of humor. Further Mick described all characters as dull. Maybe I could disagree with his statement since not all the characters were dull. From the movie Caesar [the main chimp] is very vigorous and active. Caesar could be the main reason why one could have the urge to watch the movie more. Further, I agree that there were fewer plot ideas as described by Mick. Franco who was testing the drugs on the chimps is the main focus may be the film could have included two more (LaSalle). Franco is just a co-actor as stated by the author of this review. LaSalle states that “Rise …show more content…
Colin’s article was called “Apes Prequel is Scary Good”. Unlike Mick, who had some negative view regarding the movie, Colin thinks that the film is a first-class entertainment which was packed with unsettling, clever and inspired ideas. Caesar was very intelligent in a way that he even challenged human power. The fact brought quite a lot of inspiration. It is very true that the father-son connection is what is running over the film as we can see Caesar being adapted [by Will]. Colin’s also thinks that the film takes the form of a prison since Caesar struggles to adjust of apes which were antagonistic (Covert). It is true that the selling point of this film is when the apes were rioting. It rings about all humor and all entertainment lies in this section. True to say all the action points in the movie were all planned for. The description in the review could have earned a five star since it well organized and it was completely in line with my thoughts regarding the