Another great example for production design in science fiction movies is the movie Ex Machina. To begin with, production design includes the design of sets which makes set design one of the most important aspects while producing a movie. For example, one of the points set design deals with is the location where the film is going to be shot. Funderburg (2015) explained that in the movie Ex Machina, they used two Norwegian locations both designed by the architects Jensen & Skodvin. One of the locations is a private mansion and the second one is the Juvet Landscape Hotel, which consists of single suites secretly linked to the fjord and forest around them (para. 2).…
“We’ve never lost an American in space and we’re sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch! Failure is not an option!” Said by Gene Kranz on the movi Apollo 13, the ‘Failure is not an option’ phrase has been used by various action movies as a cliché which shows authority and badassery. Every character on this kind of movie says that failing on their specific job (or mission, if you really want to be that badass) is not what they are expecting. Fail this mission and you don’t exist on our lives, that’s it.…
In my opinion, The Mission was a fantastic movie because of the action, the drama, and the history of the movie. As we saw, Father Gabriel, a Jesuit priest, entered the Guarani lands in South America with the purpose of converting the native Indians to Christianity. Father Gabriel was accepted by the Guarani Indians and then builds a mission, where he is joined by Rodrigo Mendoza, a reformed slave trader seeking absolution. Unfortunately, a treaty transfers the land in which Father Gabriel has built the mission from Spain to Portugal, and the Portuguese government wants to capture the natives for slave labor. Mendoza and Father Gabriel decide to defend the mission, but disagree on how to achieve the task.…
Coen Brothers are known as the most famous and popular independent film makers nowadays, they have produced many films labeled as B movies. The Coens’ films, unlike the Hollywood ones, often carry radical skepticism or a liberal outlook, from their very first film Blood Simple to the recent Inside Lewin Davis, always achieve on a low-budget with a small scale of production and their own stock company of actors. Their films are known for the mixing violence, dark humor, film noir, their films are frequently researched within a postmodern perspective. Though postmodernity and postmodernism are two distinctive ideas or theories, one responds more to an aesthetic, and the other is more of a condition of the society, but in many of their films,…
"The King of Kong" is a story of obsession and subculture. Billy Mitchell, the film's villain, reigns supreme of the world of retro competitive video-gaming. His opponent: Steve Wiebe, a mild-mannered middle school teacher who lacks the confidence to fully assert himself. Despite this, Steve has world-class talent on the game Donkey Kong. When he beats Billy's record at his home machine, Billy works to have Steve's score invalidated on a technicality.…
The culturally relevant film I watched was “The Vanished Elephant” directed by Javier Fuentes-León. The film was released in 2014 and is a feature narrative. It is from the countries of Peru, Colombia, and Spain. The film was played in Spanish with English subtitles. This is one of the only films that I have watched where the cast is mostly all Latino, not white, unlike other movies that would be considered popular in today’s generation.…
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Cesar must make the challenging decision to either be faithful to his Ape family by going to war or to follow his instincts by trying to keep peace between the Apes and the humans. According to the review written by Bill GoodyKoontz, “Dawn Planet of the Apes is a dark film, daringly so, a sequel to a reboot that makes a solid franchise stronger” (1). The review starts by giving some brief information about the first film Planet of the Apes. It mentions how many of the apes were used for experiments, especially Koba, who was tortured and used for lab testing.…
Deliverance is definitely a film that alternates between “Man vs Man” and “Man vs Nature”; the way the themes are explored makes the film a little unique. Many of the scenes depict “Man vs Man”, for instance Ed’s inability to shoot the arrow without his hands trembling, despite him being an “excellent shot” at inanimate objects, he can’t shoot any living being whether animal or human without his conscious, hence the hand trembles, fighting back. Even when experiencing and witnessing the humiliating, cruel, shameful crime committed against Bobby and his own near miss; he still couldn’t shoot the men responsible, nor could he fully make eye contact with Bobby afterwards. Another representation would be the change in character or personality…
Samantha N. Wells Professor Donelle Dreese ENG 302 30 November 2017 Successful Novel Adaptations; The Wild Is No Exception We are embellished with moments that define us. The memoir Wild written by Cheryl Strayed is a 311 page journey featuring this concept. In her New York Times Best selling memoir she overcomes fears, conquers overwhelming endurance, survives a quest for forgiveness, and develops courage to maintain hope. Strayed’s memoir was such an exciting recount of the events she endured while traveling the Pacific Crest Trail that her novel soon was depicted into a movie featuring Reese Witherspoon, the winner of an Oscar, Emmy, Golden Globe, and People’s choice Award starring as the leading role of Cheryl Strayed.…
The Last of the Mohicans is a fictional movie, based around the events of the French and Indian war during the 18th century. Much of the movie’s plot is focused on each individual’s struggle throughout the war. Not only their struggles with violence, but with the contrasting opinions about cultural clash between each other. Characters such as Cora and Hawkeye have similar opinions that strengthen their relationship, while the various opinions between the military commanders and the colonists lead to hardship. Throughout the French and Indian war, the major theme of integration and independence in The Last of the Mohicans is found inside individuals, as well as strengthening or weakening their relationships.…
Watching Raiders of the Lost Ark from around the three-minute mark till about thirteen minutes in, one can easily see the use of extreme close up shots, close up shots, and even a few mid shots. All of the extreme close ups can be perceived around 3:10 to 3:15; in this short time frame you see an aggressor draw a revolver shorty before the camera pans to Jones’ drawing his whip. The director obviously didn’t want the audience to think Indian Jones could be so easily overpowered. Throughout the first few minutes of this section you can see the director employ a few close up shots of Indiana and his companion. Doing so allows the viewers a chance to see their reactions as the film continues.…
Mad Max: Fury Road is a spectacular film, and while it may not seem to be the most thought-provoking movie, there is a lot of hidden depth that can be discovered. Performing more than just a cursory viewing allows one to see the hidden themes and ideals presented in a seemingly vacuous movie, and looking past the dust and explosions allows one to see the characters develop along with the setting and landscape. The most prolific use of imagery in this movie is not even in the visual effects, which are spectacular, but in the sound. The visual effects, however, influence the movie nearly as much, from the specific color choice to the landscape and its specificities. Sound, and it’s absence, is a very powerful thing.…
Whether one believes in a supernatural world or not at all, it is usually safe to say that every person has had an experience that sent chills down his or her spine. That eerie, hair-raising feeling may come from a chilling movie or simply walking around your own, silent house in the dark. No matter what the experience, most people are overcome by this emotion and feel the need to get out of his or her situation as soon as possible. The occurrence of this sensation is seen in the protagonist, Cole Sears, of M. Night Shyamalan’s 1999 film The Sixth Sense.…
Movies have been around for a very long time and certain characters in different films wear different changes of clothes almost every scene depending on the movie. It can be hard to find every different costume in every movie, so this paper will be over costume design in Transformers: Age of Extinction. In Transformers: Age of Extinction the main characters seem like they start to look like more “badass” characters as the movie progresses. Michael Bay, the director of this movie, incorporates many different techniques to make the film not only look sweet, but also to show that this movie could possibly be part of the future. Cade Yeager is a dad who fixed broken equipment for people.…
A quotation by Eric Thomas admirably alludes to the relationship between Tarzan and his mother, Kala, throughout the movie Tarzan, “It’s not about where you come from, it’s about heart.” Although Tarzan grew up with gorillas, he constantly tried to acquire a sense of belonging to them. Kala, Tarzan’s ape mother, revealed that although visually, they appear notably different, internally, they have the same heart. Through this explanation, he could finally fathom that it did not matter what he looked like because his family would always love him. Tarzan and the gorillas may share tantamount hearts, but they additionally share countless other similarities, including their conversation techniques.…