Study Aim
To develop and test an experience-based, stakeholders informed intervention(s) for minimal use of physical restraint for critically ill adults.
Specific objectives
(1) To use the experience-based co-design approach to design a restraint minimization initiative aimed at reducing the duration of physical restraint for critically ill ventilated adults in a tertiary academic ICU.
(2) To evaluate the effect of restraint minimization intervention(s) on physical restraint interruption, physical restraint duration, overall proportion of patients physically restrained, self-extubation rate, and the use of sedative agents.
(3) To evaluate the effect of the co-designed restraint …show more content…
any summary of clinical performance of health care over specified period of time?(4)
We will provide our champions with a monthly summary of our outcomes measurements. Champions will be responsible for delivering a verbal feedback to other clinicians. In addition, written version of the feedback will be posted to the board in the nursing station. According to a review by Cochrane collaboration (2012) indicated that the effectiveness of audit and feedback on health care professional behaviors and health outcomes is widely variable, ranging from no or little effect to a substantial effect.(4) According to the evidence, Audit and feedback are more effective when they delivered more than one time by supervisor or other …show more content…
We will calculate the total duration of physical restraint interruption on monthly basis and if the clinicians reach a particular milestone (I need to discuss this with you), then we will offer the team with a free parking for one month. According to a review by Cochrane collaboration (2011), financial incentives may be effective in changing health care professional behaviors.(5)
Family member engagement Provide family member with an education pamphlet including information about restraint negative consequences, restraint practices (i.e. clinicians responsibilities while patient on restraint, information about when restraint applied and when it is discontinued?), right to be consented before restraint application and to coordinate with nurses to take the restraint off while they (the family member) present at the bedside. The content of educational pamphlet will be developed Engaging end users are considered one of the important task to be completed when designing interventions aimed at changing health care professional behavior.(6)