It is believed 1 acre of hemp over the course of 20 years can produce 4 to 10 times the amount of paper than trees and although the deforestation problem we are faced with today is associated to many things the trees saved would still reduce the damaging effects paper production has on our planet; yet less than 1% of paper we use today is made with hemp. Hemp Plastic which can not only be made to be completely recycled, reducing the enormous amounts of pollution on beaches and destruction to the oceans it can also be produced with little to no chemicals,which we all know the plastic we use today now mostly is made out of.Those who discredit the worldwide use of hemp as a material say it can be costly and time consuming to produce the equivalent of what we have today and they're right. However cheaper is not always best as time has proven time and time …show more content…
There seems to be 2 explanations as to why Cannabis is made illegal.The first explanation seems to be linked to the mexican immigration in the united states after the mexican revolution,when the mexicans arrived they brought with the marijuana as a medicine and relaxant, so the cops and the government decided to use it as an excuse to search and report the immigrants.Lastly what most people talk about when the topic of its legalization is that major industrial companies were creating certain materials specifically nylon which was first invented at around the same time the cannabis laws were being properly enforced decided to back and promote the government's decision to tell the public that cannabis was just a drug to make people high when in reality it was the bad news for major companies as it is a nylon alternative.It's hard to prove why exactly it's illegal as no authentic records seem to be available but one or a combination of the above seems to be the reasoning for the US to originally ban cannabis resulting in many other countries to follow but regarding the last theory I wouldn't say the big corporations are greedy and do not want to use hemp if this theory is true, I think it's now gotten to the stage where is too far gone for them to make the change to Hemp since after it was made illegal all manufactured processes and equipment was stopped and no new technology was used to advance the hemp production meaning getting into it now would be very costly.Whatever the