Persuasive Essay On Undocumented Immigrants

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The Dreamers The United States of America is best known as a “free nation.” There are many opportunities in this country, but not everyone can enjoy them. There is an “estimated 11.7 million undocumented immigrants” in the United States (Chen 4). Immigrants however, are best known as hard and motivated workers. Natural born American citizens obviously have more opportunities, benefits, and are able to get a stable job. Immigrants on the other hand, are completely opposite of this scenario. Most undocumented immigrants have a higher risk to get deported, fewer opportunities to get far in life, and the majority of them work an outside job. Despite their differences immigrants are human too, and they have dreams to become successful, provide for their family, and become an example to their children. The key advantage of an American citizen is they have more opportunities to succeed in life. For example, an American citizen can go to college without any hesitation. However, an immigrant cannot because they do not have the proper documentation for a college education; therefore they are rejected and have no other choice than to work an outside job or as a waitress. Despite the fact that Americans have these opportunities many do not seem to take advantage of them and lead to other paths, while someone else would dream to be in their shoes and have those same opportunities. There are approximately sixty-five thousand undocumented undergraduates graduating from high school each year. Many of these students are not able to attend college due to inability to meet the expense of college tuition or to meet the legal citizenship status necessity of some colleges (Kim 1). However, there is hope for those undocumented students in order for them to get far in life. The DREAM, Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors, Act is provided for these students in order for them to become legal permanent residents in the United States. It is a two-stage process and is given a six year period if the qualified student does not commit any crimes and is not a threat. However, if the undocumented students do not reach their requirements, they will lose their legal permanent resident status and face deportation (Kim 2). With just the …show more content…
A driver’s license is needed in every state in order to get behind the wheel, but undocumented immigrants do not have a driver’s license. With this being said would someone that has to provide for their family stay home and not find a job? That is ridiculous many immigrants came to the United States in order to get a good paying job, while risking their lives every time they go and return from work or simply just to go to Walmart because if they would get pulled over the chance of them being deported is slightly high, some are lucky and some are not. Following this, an American citizen is more likely to get a higher paying job than an immigrant because of certain requirements. Many immigrants work in construction, landscaping, or even buy their own taco stand. In order to get a respectable job one would need their social security number, which an immigrant cannot provide. Therefore, they do not qualify for most jobs. Immigrants come to the United States to live the American Dream. They want those same opportunities that all Americans have without the risk of

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