The 14th amendment states all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the states in which they reside. From the time someone is born in the hospital in the U.S., they are legally considered an U.S. citizen. The person is given a birth certificate and a social security number linking their identity to the government proving that he or she is a natural born citizen. In other cases, people migrate to the U.S. for better opportunity and a more stable living environment. Immigrants are some of the hardest working citizens the United States have, but legally they are not U.S. citizens until proven,” worthy”. The highly debated topic is, “Should being a citizen be a birth given right? Also, “Should a person be more obligated to the rights of this country if not born here?” The thoughts and theories on citizenship are still debated by many politicians and lawmakers on the federal level of government. America is a country found on the hard work and the commitment of others is the same country to deport so many people based on …show more content…
For example, the Native Americans are people who were born on American soil but are not under the same jurisdiction of the 14th amendment. Also, the United States Supreme Court has never directly brought up the question of children born to illegal people on American soil. At least one federal appellate has noted that such a policy "makes no sense" and that "Congress would not be disobeying the Constitution if they amended the Immigration and Nationality Act to put an end to the nonsense." Due to section 5 of the 14th amendment Congress has the final say. Section 5 of the 14th amendment gives Congress the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this