Persuasive Essay On Stop Organ Trafficking

Decent Essays
You go about your daily life not knowing what is going on in the black market some may not even know what this is ,it is the most common “trade”,where people are stealing organs and it has become a global issue,one that I am here to help solve.It is a secret illegal type of trade.Black Market Organs is when illegal organ trade which is a form of widespread organized crime where inner organs are illegally obtained and traded for transplantation. Types of Organ Trade trafficking for organs is a crime that occurs in 3 broad categories in certain cases where traffickers force or deceive the donors to give up an organ.There are over 10,000 black market involving organs that are happening each year.This trade can be helpful but also very expensive for example a lung in Europe would cost $312,650 while a kidney transplant operation would be around $32,000.The people who usually participates in organ trade are probably at the bottom of the organ doner list.This leads them to believe that obtaining the organ illegaly is the best and fastest way.They didn´t think of all the possible consequences such as getting caught or getting the wrong …show more content…
The organizations has also collected donations to help end the stealing of organs and ending people´s lifes.These organizations have done an amazing job but have not found the solution to the issue

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