Sam Vaknin portrays a grim picture of the current black market trade in human body parts. Those who sell their organs are usually individuals in developing nations in extreme poverty who make very little from the sale, while those who transport the organs usually make a fortune reselling the organs to recipients in rich, developed countries. Part of the organ trade involves the abduction of individuals, including children, and the theft of their organs. Vaknin applauds the willingness of the American Medical Association to investigate "the effects [that] paying for cadaveric organs would have on the current shortage" of organs. He concludes that the current international ban on organ sales has produced the black market trade, and it would be "better to legalize and regulate the trade than transform it into a form of organized crime. Deep down inside all of us want to do well and have a better world. So many people are dying today because of the shortage of organ donors and the United States government is doing nothing about it but they are also making a profit from this. Human organ sales should not be legalized; people living in poverty can’t afford to pay for an organ, those who are willing to give an organ may not want to give one because they can sell them and get paid. Lastly, people think they can make a good profit from selling organs because of how their life is. Let’s think before we act and make this a better world for
Sam Vaknin portrays a grim picture of the current black market trade in human body parts. Those who sell their organs are usually individuals in developing nations in extreme poverty who make very little from the sale, while those who transport the organs usually make a fortune reselling the organs to recipients in rich, developed countries. Part of the organ trade involves the abduction of individuals, including children, and the theft of their organs. Vaknin applauds the willingness of the American Medical Association to investigate "the effects [that] paying for cadaveric organs would have on the current shortage" of organs. He concludes that the current international ban on organ sales has produced the black market trade, and it would be "better to legalize and regulate the trade than transform it into a form of organized crime. Deep down inside all of us want to do well and have a better world. So many people are dying today because of the shortage of organ donors and the United States government is doing nothing about it but they are also making a profit from this. Human organ sales should not be legalized; people living in poverty can’t afford to pay for an organ, those who are willing to give an organ may not want to give one because they can sell them and get paid. Lastly, people think they can make a good profit from selling organs because of how their life is. Let’s think before we act and make this a better world for