In the essay, Organ Sales Will Save Lives, there are strong points about the shortage in organs and how people are willing to do anything to help them in the long run. People have to wait so long for kidney transplant, they decided to take matters into their own hands and find a kidney through the black market. Individuals who need transplants, are willing to pay an extremely pretty penny so they can go ahead and receive their kidney now instead of waiting on the transplant list. In the article, “Pay people for their organs”, it illustrates how many people would be saved by transplants whose donors are still alive. If people got paid for participating in living transplants, there wouldn’t be a shortage in organs, particularly in kidneys. Another main point in this article is giving kidney donors vouchers to receive organs for a later use. The essay and article both talk about the black market. When people go to the black market to buy and sell kidneys, they risk everything. Not only is it illegal but they go to third world countries to have to operations done which is most times unsanitary, unsafe and tons of room for complications. There is no medical exams after, you don’t see a doctor after and you can’t say anything if the operation goes wrong or has complications. People and surgeons risk everything for either the money or for a chance at life. If the donor and receipt get caught, they become a felon and get five years in prison. If the surgeon gets caught, they can lose their license and also go to prison. Both sources talk about the government allowing this practice and regulating rules on it. …show more content…
Everyone has two kidneys but we really only need one to survive. This idea is based on a thought of what if the donors other good kidney stops working. That donor who was healthy is now sick. The voucher would ensure that the donor got another good kidney. If the donor never has any problems with their kidney but a loved one starts having issues, they can use the voucher on them. This way the donor saved a life and either themself or loved one is saved in the process. A few hospital have adopted this practice, the donors do not get paid but in the long run it is a great help.
Both sources talk about how many people need a transplant or are on the transplant list. The article says the 13 people die a day waiting for a transplant and that 3,000 people are added to the kidney transplant list each day. Over 4,000 people in need of a kidney died in 2014 while waiting for the transplant. Over 3,000 people became too sick for the transplant. The essay states that in just 2000, over 2,000 Americans have died