According to the Donate Life America organization, “More than 123,000 men, women, and …show more content…
By donating organs after one has moved on, they can save or improve as many as 50 lives ( With this being said there is a clear understanding with the amount of impact one person can have on those fifty lives. Everyone has the chance to sign up to become an organ donor, that way they have the ability to benefit others even when they’re time has passed. With the proposal stated, anyone can sign up to donate their organs at On the site one will simply fill in their information and along with the choices as to which organs they would like to donate. In addition to setting up your preference of donation there is helpful information of facts on donation, how to donation works, resources, and they even give cultural a religious perspectives. For the people out there who do not have computer access, another way to sign up would be going to a local DMV(department of motor vehicles) and sign up there and they will print out a new driver’s license with a heart along with the words “organ donor” onto the card. Signing up to donate organs in order to save lives is a serious course of action that needs to be