More than 70% of students in our school are involved in extracurricular activities. I am currently involved in Boy Scouts, band, drumline, youth group, spanish club, math team, academic team, FBLA and also have a part-time job as a bagboy at Cal’s Thriftway to provide the money to save up for college and drive to school to go to all of the club meetings and practices. All of these activities limit the amount of sleep I receive, let alone the time I have to do homework, fill
More than 70% of students in our school are involved in extracurricular activities. I am currently involved in Boy Scouts, band, drumline, youth group, spanish club, math team, academic team, FBLA and also have a part-time job as a bagboy at Cal’s Thriftway to provide the money to save up for college and drive to school to go to all of the club meetings and practices. All of these activities limit the amount of sleep I receive, let alone the time I have to do homework, fill