The softball field is the one place I’ve always been comfortable, content. When I step onto the field nothing else exists; I don’t have work, an exam to worry about, or a long list of chores to complete. Ever since I was young I knew I wanted to play college level softball. Making it into the NCAA has always been a dream of mine. My first encounter with the field occurred when I was six. I started out in the instructional league and haven’t stopped playing since. When I reached middle school I really wanted to play for the school team. That year I did not make the team. This drove me to to work harder and practice whenever I could. That next year I made the team. Since then, I’ve been captain of the team in eighth grade, started varsity as a freshman, became captain of the high school team as a sophomore (and still currently hold that title), made all-division (third team) as a sophomore, made all-division (first team) as a junior, won the Cox Rhode Island Sport award, and became captain of my travel ball team. …show more content…
When I was about thirteen or fourteen more travel teams started forming. Now there are hundreds and hundreds of them throughout my little home state of Rhode Island. Joining the RI Aftershock softball travel organization was definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have developed both as a player and as a person. When I first joined the team I was shy and barely talked to the other girls. About a year later, I was pulled out of my shell and became one of the most vocal players on the team. The ones responsible for helping me adjust to the team were two players who are now my two best