Personal Narrative: Softball

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An activity I cherish the most is softball. This sport has been my favorite ever since I was three years old. Softball to me is a time to let my worries disappear. At the age of seven years old, I learned the rules of the game and began to play for Palmer Ball. My favorite position to play is to pitch or 3rd base. During this past year I have been pitching more, and my hitting has improved. In the spring I am joining the fastpitch team at school. I am a cheerful person, but also, I can become very competitive. Whenever I have a competition I try to beat my opponents, and my own goals I set for myself. At dance competitions, I try to do my best, and likewise, in softball. Friends and family have observed that I am most competitive when I play …show more content…
My deer hunting experience began when I was six months old. When I deer hunt, I am with my father, grandfather, two uncles, and my father’s cousins and uncles. Father and I hunt out by the Weis farm in the cornfield. This past summer I earned my firearm safety certificate. Now I can shoot during deer hunting season with my father. For my first year, I will shoot a 410 shotgun, which can be ear-piercing. I am ecstatic about deer hunting this year, and I hope to shoot one!
Riding bikes with my mother has always been a memorable memory. We ride our bikes in the neighborhood approximately twice per week. Once in awhile, we pretend that we are the witch on the Wizard of Oz. What I really enjoy is when my stepfather accompanies us. I love riding bikes with my family, it can be quite enjoyable!
I know I tend to struggle with maintaining being organized. My room looks as though a tornado has torn through it! It does not bother me about how messy my room is right now in my mother’s house because in a few months we are redoing my room. She really is not too thrilled about this, therefore, she plans to make me clean it before I redo my room. When my room is redone and more organized, I think I will do better in school and in sports, therefore, I feel I will sleep better. I plan to make a better effort to be more organized . I will try to be persistent in my efforts to stay organized and keep my room

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