Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Rocky Mountain

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If you ever happen to catch me in a cut off you might see that on my left shoulder there is tattoo of mountains, pine trees, and five birds leading up to my collar bone. You might ask the meaning, or you might just tell me how much you like it and compliment the artist and ask me where I got it done or ask if I have any others. You might never see a goal as a reason to get a tattoo but Mountains are my goal. My family and I visited the Rocky Mountain National Park the summer after my Junior year in highschool. I had never seen a mountain before besides in pictures. The feeling of being on the top of a mountain is hard to describe, but I love to do it I could do it for hours. I crave the feel of being lost between mountains so much so that I have vowed to never go a year of my life for the rest of my life without being on top of a mountain somewhere in the world. I even completely changed my career path after my trip to the Rocky Mountain National Park and I got a tattoo to celebrate it.
In July of the summer of 2014 my family loaded up into my mother’s light blue subaru.. For 10 extremely
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You alway hear about people being forced out of a job and having to start all over that you really never consider that it could be a good Idea to plan for it. Well my old career plan had just become my backup plan I knew from this visit to the Rocky Mountains that this is somewhere I always want to be. What better way to do that than to become a park ranger? Of course I don't plan on staying in one national park either. I have a goal to visit every National Park by the age of 35. I vowed from that moment sitting on top of a mountain in the middle of the Rocky Mountain National Park that I would never go a year without being on the top of a mountain at some point in that year whether it be for 5 mins or 5 days on the mountain top I will make it

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