Each of us was assigned a family and me not know much Spanish was placed into a family that only knew Spanish. I took on challenge with the ambition to learn a couple of Spanish words and help the family the family out. Although it was awkward at first, I began to communicate with family using hand gestures, and soon enough we were teaching each other our own language. They trying to teach me Spanish and I was trying to teach them English and Chinese. After hours of sharing our cultures, language, background, the parade was about to begin. I didn't know what to expect. But when the community asked me to be in the parade, I took on the offer and wore a big wooden mask with a cloth over body. Dancing through the rocky path all I could hear was the drums beating fiercely as the kids came rushing in to join us. As the end of the day approached, we all began cheer and sing as we cracked open the pinata. This was definitely a new experience I will remember in years to
Each of us was assigned a family and me not know much Spanish was placed into a family that only knew Spanish. I took on challenge with the ambition to learn a couple of Spanish words and help the family the family out. Although it was awkward at first, I began to communicate with family using hand gestures, and soon enough we were teaching each other our own language. They trying to teach me Spanish and I was trying to teach them English and Chinese. After hours of sharing our cultures, language, background, the parade was about to begin. I didn't know what to expect. But when the community asked me to be in the parade, I took on the offer and wore a big wooden mask with a cloth over body. Dancing through the rocky path all I could hear was the drums beating fiercely as the kids came rushing in to join us. As the end of the day approached, we all began cheer and sing as we cracked open the pinata. This was definitely a new experience I will remember in years to