We figured that my niece would have to see the error of her ways, get help, take classes, go to group therapy sessions, find a job and conquer her case plan. How long could that possibly take six months? The good news was that my sister who is the children’s Grandmother would be there to help us, getting the babies from daycare and coming home to help out while I juggled homework. We had it all planned out. My father, husband and I took turns taking my niece to her court dates and classes.…
However, although I experienced many positive outcomes, I also experienced Role Confusion which, lead to a different experience. “If adults limit and control the exploration process, are unwilling to provide new possibilities to try, and for adolescents into premature commitment. The adolescents either foreclose on an identity (without) exploring options or postpone the exploration and commitment process (moratorium)” (Pacific Oaks College. W4 Adolescence. Identity.pptx Power Point).…
If a client came in to see me at a social service center needing a place to stay, my first step would be to engage the client by establishing a professional relationship with them. This means making sure that the client understands that while I will care about them, the purpose of the relationship is to work together and equip them to address problems in their life. From there we would establish why they believe that they are seeing a social worker and begin to form a plan from there. Secondly, we would begin to analyze their strengths in their current situation to determine a path of action.…
I can not imagine how you must feel right now. I am sincerely sorry for my actions Friday December 11 .That later on ended up injuring Taylor. I wish there was more I could at this point. Even tho I did not throw the rock at her I feel fully responsible for the whole thing.…
In this paper, I will be summarizing the information from this week’s reading. Additionally, from this week’s reading I will provide examples of how the content applies to my personal spiritual journey. Lastly, I will provide my ideas of how this week’s reading will apply to my future human services career. This week’s reading included chapters nine and ten from the textbook, “Religious and Spiritual Aspects of Human Service Practice” written by James W. Ellor, F. Ellen Netting, and Jane M. Thibault (1999). Religious congregations are described as groups of people that come together for religious purposes.…
What is my Social Identity? My social identity is begins with my deep family roots in my hometown of Riverview, New Brunswick. My upbringing was centered on my family, I take pride in the fact that I was raised in the same home my father was raised. Staying connected with my small-town family roots has left me humble and modest.…
As a child growing up in Rhode Island, the smallest state in the Union, the idea of a vast planet brimming with civilization and culture was more like something out of a fairy tale than it was reality. So, when my father announced that we would be leaving the country to go to Scotland, the home of his and my ancestors, my world began to expand at a rapid pace. This trip could not have been timed more perfectly. The summer of 2007 marked the end of fourth grade, my first year at Saint Mary Academy Bay View.…
ENGL 101-Mikayla Worley Essay#1 Fall 2017 My Life Calling There are a vast amount of combinations for personalities and career fields, in a society that can make it or break it in one’s choice of career. In my life, the career I am pursuing falls into the medical field.…
Who am I? For some people the answer to this question is simple. They are able to answer this question without much thought. However, while some find solace and pride in answering this thought provoking question, it has always stirred in me a feeling of angst and confusion. These uncomfortable feelings emerged because of my interracial background and upbringing.…
Change happens everywhere, and most of the time, it is very hard to deal with. For me, I hated moving. It was difficult to think that I had to a leave the place where I grew up for most of my life. And then when it happened, it did not get any better. “The first step toward change is awareness.…
One of the strengths I have developed within social work, was creating an awareness of my own personal biases. This was a tool that I learned very early in the BSW program. I understand that Nakita the person and Nakita the social worker must always remain separate in issues of conflict. Being aware of what my own personal biases are and ensuring that I’m culturally competent, helps me to be a better social worker for clients who may have opposing beliefs and values as me. Also, learning about my biases humbled me and helped me to realize that there is no room for bias in social justice.…
The population that I want to work, ideally, is veterans. They are the reason that I switched from psychology to social work, as I noticed the VA hires social workers, but not therapist. This is how I found out that what social workers actually do, a sad fact considering I took an intro to social work for my AA. If I were unable to work with veterans, there are limited organizations in NJ that focus on their needs specifically with the VA being the main organization. My “second” choice would be adults that experienced trauma, may it be in their childhood or as an adult.…
I believe that each individual's dream is unique because your family and community are your biggest supporters and motivators. My dream is to obtain a medical career in which I can share my compassion and be a change in people lives. My family has always instilled me that you should make it your goal to make a difference, however, small it might be. Therefore, I always try to build myself as someone who others can look up to for help.…
I feel that my time at my internship has flown by. September feels like it was just maybe three months ago. I first met my field instructor in the summer for our interview and he said that his impression of me was that I embodied a social worker and would make a great intern at the high school. At the time, I had no idea what that meant or would look like but I was flattered, nervous, and yet excited to start a new chapter in my life. Helping others has been something I have wanted to do my entire life.…
I have always been interested in the human mind; always questioning why people think the way they do, or why people react the way they react in certain situations. When I was about twelve years old I kept asking my parents all of these questions they couldn 't answer, so they told me to read about it. Within a few weeks I was reading three different psychology text books that I had found at Goodwill. One thing that peaked my interest in social psychology was learning of Peter Zimbardo 's Stanford prison experiment. They chose twenty four normal mentally sound college students and made half of them guards and the other half prisoners.…