I’m sitting in my office in my pajamas as I get a phone call on my cell phone. I had just gotten a new one so the contact didn’t pop up. Who might this be? I think to myself. I click on the answer button. I began to speak, “Hello it’s Bryland. Who is this?” “This is the school. Bailey passed out during class, we need you down here immediately!” The lady says sounding very freaked out. “I’ll be there as soon as possible!”
I pulled my long black hair out of a bun while running up the stairs. What happened?? Why did she pass out?!?! I think to myself. Almost tripping on the last step i finally got to the top of the stairs. I ran into my room grabbing pants and a t-shirt.
After getting dressed i ran back down the stairs and grabbed my purse. I jumped into the car hoping that it would start because we had been having some car problems. It started and I pulled out of the driveway. Racing down the road I finally made it to Bailey’s school. I jumped out of the car. When I made it to the office they told me to go to the nurcie office down the hall. I finally got Bailey out of the school. She was awake by now. When I first saw her she looked fine. The first thing I said to her was, “Are you ok?” “Mom I’m fine.” She answered. The rest of the ride to the hospital was very quiet. No talking at all. I pulled into a parking spot at the hospital. When we checked in the girl told us to go to a room around the corner. We are walking down to our room. Bailey looks very scared. I am too. I can’t imagine what it feels like to be her. I’ve never passed out before. The technician walked in and told us, “I need you to move to room 340a down the hall. You’re daughter is going to need an MRI. I’m going to be in there in the next 10-20 minutes.” I wanted to tell him that I didn’t want Bailey getting an MRI but he knows what he’s doing. Just after we get into the room I have Baily sit on one of the chairs. I grab out my phone and call Tanner, my husband. “Hey I’m in the hospital with Bailey, she passed out during class.” He answers very quickly, “What!” I’ll be home as soon as possible!” I didn’t want him to rush home sense the roads are very slippery from rain. So I said, “Tanner no. You don’t need to rush home! Bailey is fine right now. Don’t cancel your whole trip. End of conversation!” I hung up then and there. I still didn’t feel like Tanner was going to listen to me though. The MRI technician walked in and started talking to Bailey. I probably should have been paying attention more. I was texting my sister and neighbors to see if they could pick up Andrew from school. I looked up when I heard Bailey say, “No.” The technician started to talk on a bit more and I was starting to get very annoyed of him so I said, “Bailey will be fine.” Bailey immediately replied, “Mom.” I hate it when she does that. “Well, time to get this over with,” the technician …show more content…
“Are you sure? She’s only sixteen, don’t they-” The lady cuts me off, “Listen, lady, I just go where they send me.” The man tells me why Bailey has to stay in the old people wing. I was furious. After they kicked me out I went to the neighbors house and picked up Andrew. I didn’t want too much on my mind so I had Andrew stay the night at his friend's house. When I got home it was about 9:00pm so I went to my room and went straight to bed. My german shepard husky and I all curled up in my bed. BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! I jumped right out of my bed and got my clothes on. I ran down the stairs and made myself some coffee. It was 7am, very early for me. I rushed myself out the house and to the car.I tried to start the car and it shut itself off. I kept trying but it still wouldn’t work. After trying for a while to start that car I decided I would borrow my neighbor's