The first few days taught me the importance of listening to every direction given by …show more content…
This time I was going for my first belt test. I looked towards the center, there sat 6 judges, each with a pencil and paper. In an attempt to remember everything I learned in class I began to run through the combinations in my mind; punch, punch, duck, wait or was it duck, punch, punch. I sat there waiting for my turn fearful that I was going to mess up. As I grew more anxious the other combinations seemed to mix together. They called my name, in a haze, I got up and went to my spot. I felt the stares of the parents and the judges. It was a true test of my focus and confidence, checking whether I could do my forms and combinations with the distractions sitting around me. I tried to do my best from what I could remember from class, but as I began the moves slowly came back to me like I had known how to do it the entire time. When I finished, they saved the hardest part of the test to the end, board breaking, where we had to break wooden boards to show our physical strength. At that point I was more tired than I had ever been in my life; even playing steal the pin at school never made me this tired. With my last bit of energy I kicked, CRACK!, I jumped with joy as I had just broken my first