I have changed a lot so far in high school. No one is still the same person they were in junior high, and definitely not the same person they were in elementary school. Everyone is always changing constantly and that is one of the most beautiful things in life. It is kind of like how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. The caterpillar is still the same, but it is just a better version of themselves.
In freshman year, I did not really care about anything. I lost many of my friends from junior high, because they had changed so much over the past summer and I am guessing that I changed a lot too. To be honest, most of my friends from junior high were not even important to me. I did not care that I lost them. How sad is that? Your friends …show more content…
We were in orchestra together, we listened to the same kind of music, and I needed someone in my life. I had another good friends, like Nicole and Audrey, but Rachel was the most important to me. My friend Katie ended up blocking me on almost everything. I had no idea why she did that, but she did. It hurt me a lot knowing that the one person I trusted with everything did not want to be in my life anymore and I had no idea why. Was she jealous that I had other friends? Was it because I had not talked to her as much as I used to? Or was it just because she decided that I was not important to her anymore? I still do not know the whole reason why we stopped being …show more content…
I went to Homecoming, and hung out with my friends all the time. I got a job at McDonalds as soon as I turned sixteen and I loved it there. The people I worked with were amazing. They were always being optimistic and they were always there for me. None of them knew how important it was to me to have people I could always talk to about life. They were just so amazing and I loved them. I spent a lot of time outside of school at McDonalds, and so did a lot of other people around my age. They really helped me realize how great life is. We were basically a family at McDonalds and I loved that more than anything. I did not really enjoy the work, but it was worth it because I got to be around all of my friends. I was basically being paid to hang out.
Junior year has just started and I can honestly say that I am a happy person. There are still days where I feel depressed and suicidal again, but those days are extremely rare. There are days where I want to grab a razor blade and hurt myself to make myself feel better, but I do nit do that anymore because it makes no sense. I still do not talk to my friends about the problems I have and I still bottle things up inside, but I am working on that. Life is getting