In my freshman year of high school I wanted to have as many friends as I could. I was new to high school and all the popular kids seemed to have the most friends, so I wanted to be like that. I would try to befriend everyone. That is how I thought I could become popular. I didn't really enjoy my freshman year because of that. I never did anything with my friends because we were not close. This was my frame of mind until summer, when I am not with everyone every day. I wanted to read a book and the cover of Okay For Now really interested me, so I decided to pick it up and read it.
As I read it I began to feel for Doug and all that he did. But what really interested me is that he moved to a new town and didn't have a lot of friends. Now i've never struggled with making friends but I didn't do anything with them. I wouldn't hang out with them after school or go do stuff with them. As I got farther and farther into the book I realized that he only had a few friends and he wasn't trying to go and make a bunch of friends. …show more content…
I focused on becoming closer to a few of my friends. I am finding that I am a happier overall person than before and I am doing better in school. School is more enjoyable and I look forward to going every day. Being closer to my friends means that I can be myself around my close friends and feel more comfortable. The way I thought my freshman year was completely wrong. The more friends I had the worse I felt because I didn't do anything with them. But having closer friends makes people happier. I still am friends with a lot of people but I am closer to some of them than I was my freshman