This practice will allow for both the mentor as well as the learner to learn from each other from the experience (Berger, 2008, p. 47). As a result of this guided participation, my overall cognitive development as well as intellectual growth enhanced. Despite being separated from my mother, I excelled in school and performed well on the tasked learnt such as helping with the daily chores as well as helping with my younger …show more content…
In this stage, the erotic body part is the mouth. During this stage which begins at birth to one year, the lips, tongue, and gums are the focus of pleasurable sensation in the baby’s body and went on to say that sucking and feeding are the most stimulating activities. (Berger, 2008, p. 36) My mother spent the next several years finding way to prevent me from destroying my teeth. This action, Freud believed resulted when mother frustrates an infant urges to suck or weaning the infant too early or prevent the child from sucking on fingers or toes then the child may become distressed and anxious and eventually becomes an adult with an oral fixation. This individual will be fixated at the oral stage, and therefore, eats, drinks chews, bites, or talks excessively (Berger, 2008, p.