Personal Narrative Analysis

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My mother, lived a childhood basically parentless. As a result of barely having a guardian to limit her liberty, she was given the freedom to experiment on anything the world had to offer her. Good or bad. Realizing what tough childhood she had experienced, she decided at just seventeen years old being pregnant with her first child, my older brother, she was not going to allow the childhood of her first born be a reflection of hers. With the two other kids she had, my younger sister and me, she, along with my dad, tried to be the parents they never had. They therefore, were far more strict compared to my other friends’ parents, in effect would benefit me in the long run. Evidence of how strict they were going to be began as I transitioned from elementary school to middle school. I was fully exposed to a school where it was much more of a decision of mine to attend class or not. I was surrounded by twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen year old kids that would go to the mall by themselves, sleep over their friends’ houses, take the city bus on their own, and go to parties. Being in this environment, where my friends’ parents are not as strict as mine, made me envious of their freedom. In my first year of middle school, I remember vividly spotting my best friend Chris on the other side of the hallway rapidly …show more content…
Continuously receiving the response “no” every time I asked to stay at a friend’s house, or go watch a movie, or to go to a sporting event, made me lose all desire in ever hearing the simple three letter word, “yes.” I would go to my room and picture the fun I would be having if I were at the sleepover, or at the movies. Feeling like I was finally part of something, where I didn’t have the constant worry of having to be with parents all of the time. Instead, I was in my achromatic room that would suck up all hope of ever going out with my friends, wishing my parents would cease their strict

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