Patriot Act Pros And Cons

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The Patriot Act (which was supposedly intended to protect the innocent citizens of america from “harmful” terrorists) was enacted just one short month after a series of terrorist attacks took place, including the 9/11 attack and the anthrax mailing at the Senate building in Washington. Congress was scared into believing that the only possible solution to preventing this from happening again would be to vote for an act that seemed like the smart political move at the time (only when explained by the right people of course). I, however, think that the Patriot Act does not have american citizens’ best interest at mind because it allows the privacy of americans to be invaded by the FBI based on their biased and racist opinions, all while wasting countless resources and hours investigating innocent citizens. …show more content…
This explains why, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, over 500,000 muslim males were interrogated with not a single one of them offering a potential lead. Even though the only reason that the FBI had for arresting these innocent civilians was that they looked like extremists, the Patriot Act allowed these disturbing investigations to go on because, if one is suspected of terrorism (for any reason whatsoever), it is crucial that they must be thoroughly investigated to ensure that America is safe. It also allowed the NSA to change some of their practices regarding particular authorities, leading many people to believe that they will try to apply that misconduct elsewhere, and based on how they have handled previous situations, the NSA will lie to Congress about it just to make them think that they are doing the right thing (USA Freedom

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