Patient Engagement Paper

Improved Essays
Patient engagement and technology is a topic of interest among healthcare professionals. There is a need to understand how the modern technology is enhancing patient engagement. This is because patient engagement is becoming an important aspect of the healthcare system today. This part will focus on the methodology that will be applied in studying how technology has enhanced patient engagement. The main focus of the methodology is to help the researcher to form a better explanation of how the technology is impacting patient engagement.
This study is driven by the desire to have a deeper understanding of how the technology is influencing patient engagement. Therefore, the researcher settled on the mixed methodology approach
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The target audience of the research is the male patients, whose age is between 45 and 55 years old. The researcher targets to use the random sampling to collect a sample of 100 participants, who are using the patient portals, from King Fahad Central Hospital in Jazan, Saudi Arabia (McLeod, 2014). The researcher settled on the random sampling approach because it provides a great opportunity for all participants to be selected. It is a probabilistic approach that provides every participant with an equal chance of being selected (McLeod, 2014). Although bias is one of the most inherent challenges that arise when one is using a sampling approach the random sampling approach is always favored because it tends to eliminate such barriers. It is an approach that ensures that the sample that has been collected serves as a representative of the whole population (McLeod, 2014). The ease of using this approach also makes the writer prefer the approach. It is easy to apply this approach when compared to other approaches such as stratified sampling approaches. However, some of the key disadvantages are that it may be hard to achieve since it requires a large sample and it may be …show more content…
The interviews will include closed-ended questions so as to ensure that the responses are the expected results. This will help in collecting qualitative data among the participants. The questionnaires will be administered through the online system through the emails (Overview of Mixed Methods). The participants will be expected to fill the questionnaires and mail them back. The email administration has been preferred for this study since it will allow the participants to collect the data within a very short time. It is also very convenient to use this

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