Midway through my tenure as President of the PTA I decided to become more engaged in the educational aspect of my involvement which led me to become a substitute teacher. Over the last two years I have substituted in numerous classes, ranging from general education classes to many varieties of special education classes in all grade levels, including Functional Academics, Life Skills, PAS (Positives Attitudes for Success) and DEAR (Developing Early Academic Readiness). Interacting with special need students has been both challenging and enriching. The opportunity to work with children that require a higher level of engagement has had a profound effect on me. It was with the special education students where I became …show more content…
I have been able to build a reputation of professionalism among the special education teachers within Allen ISD, and this has resulted in a constant demand for my services. I have proven that I can be flexible to schedules, reliable, compassionate but firm, as needed, and eager to do more than the job requires. I look forward to my future in the academic