In Mrs. Little’s classroom, you must be on task. There are always vocab words to learn and test to study for, and if you feel like you're done there is always more work to be done in the book to help you prepare. Mrs. Little is always involved with her students and does not let get distracted from their goal as a class. When I was in the class I usually helped individual students answer questions in their book. I also stapled packets, hole punched papers, passed out and collected papers, sharpened pencils, and cleaned that boards. Mrs. Little never wanted me to be bored, so she always made sure I had something to do when coming into her class. Helping the kids with their work was a wonderful experience; however, it was not my favorite part about being a cadet teacher. What I enjoyed most about being a cadet teacher was being able to understand Mrs. …show more content…
Little and her teaching techniques. As a middle schooler I did not think I was learning anything in her class; however, I can now see that I retained a lot of information from Mrs. Little because she constantly had something else we could work on. I also enjoyed helping the sixth-graders answer science questions. I loved watching the students light up the first time they understood something, like the difference between a food web and a food chain. This past week has been extremely busy because they are preparing for ISTEP. Most days in Mrs. Little’s were great, but there were a few days I did not enjoy. One thing I did not enjoy was when they would watch videos. I did not enjoy these days because I was not able to help the students with their work. I also did not like the few days when the students took notes over powerpoints. When taking notes I was able to help students spell and define certain words, but I enjoyed helping them answer questions more. Helping out in the classroom has taught me a lot about the education field, and has helped me consider all of my career options. Working in the classroom showed me the ups and downs of working in the education field. The most difficult thing about being a teacher is that you cannot make the students want to learn you can only encourage them to learn. The rewarding part of being a teacher is when you witness students learning something for the first time. Being in Mrs. Little’s room has opened my eyes to the possibility of becoming a worker in the education field. I think I would enjoy working with children, but I would hate to see them have to take tests such as