I find very hard to come on with ideas even if its about a simple subject. I have to rethink and even ask my friends or family members for some ideas. When i find myself stuck in a idea I have to stop writing and take a break. By taking a break I feel like I have an opportunity to have a fresh mind when I get back to the writing. I also think its hard the drafting section.…
In this fall semester of college what I’ve learned in Ms. Balderas class is knowing how to properly write a college written essay. I know after taking this course that I can somewhat write a well written essay that is college appropriate. In high school I was taught to write essay that were good enough for the teachers, but now that I’m in college I feel the need that I need to write better and show my instructor that I do know what I am writing about. I’ve learned so many ways to write a paper, but some of my essays aren’t there yet, I feel as if I haven’t gotten to the point where I’ve learned to write a paper that is good, but I know within time I’ll get there.…
Writers block, that cripplingly frustrating feeling of not being able to put pen to paper. “…writing as a problem- solving process…when the process dead-ends in writer’s block.” Pg.196. We have all experienced it from time to time, some more than others. This fact can be highly frustrating to people who are greatly impacted by writer’s block, “what makes them so different than me”.…
Many writers struggle with this and is not a problem. If I encounter writer’s block I will go take a break and do something else for awhile. That way I can clear my head and get back to writing without any problems. I will go read a book for about an hour or work on another homework assignment. When I get done I’ll be ready to…
I was able to overcome my fear of essays with the techniques like close reading and asking myself critical thinking questions. Beginning with the first essay assigned in college…
Have you ever gone to school and didn’t know how to write or start an essay? I’m pretty sure this all happens to us, which is why we attend school to improve our writing. Seeing myself at the age of five, I’ve always wanted to write a paper as if I was a writer. Now being a ninth grader, I have improved a lot. Improvement came in a variety of ways such as, using proper vocabulary or even spelling a word correct.…
Adequate writing was always a struggle for me because I struggled with coming up with topics to write about. Even when teachers gave us prompts to write about I struggled writing about them mostly because I thought writing was boring. Another reason I was discouraged by writing was I would spend hours at a time trying to come up with ideas for a prompt and would barely come up with any ideas to write about. Being a civil engineering major I see why writing is so important in my career field. My experience with writing has had its good moments and its bad moments.…
Entering a Conversation While writing there is a lot of pressure to be able to create a perfect piece of writing. This tends to create an unreasonable type of pressure on the writer. Writers tend to overthink their work which leads to a block being created. When approaching writing many of use take different routes, but more often than not we stress ourselves out trying to create perfect drafts. In “The Inspired Writer Vs.…
As I am writing this journal, the exact day its due, I realize that my writing anxieties must be the result of procrastination. Putting off my writing can cause me to rush and not think clearly. This also causes me to have a case of writer’s block. Writer’s block; the condition of not being able to think of what to write on continue with writing. Although my writers block is not major, when I wait till the last minute I tend to run out of things to say as the clock is ticking.…
"Reset!" Mr. Z shouted through the obnoxious megaphone. Our mouths dry and salty, the entire band hurried lazily to their last set hoping not to be singled out. I spun around and pushed my foot forward when bam! I smashed right into a tuba player.…
As an intrigued seventeen year old senior, I’ve bear impacting struggles that I've dealt with for four alarming years. My depression has felt like a lifetime. However, my pride and joy now lies in my accomplishments and schooling. I have made amends with my personal obtacles by keeping a high GPA in these past years, despite the fact that I ought to deal with my emotional trauma. Regardless of my achievements and struggles, I am in truth perplex by your book, I was very interested the moment…
As I have been typing this essay though I have come to realize that I don’t like writing in the slightest other than for practice, it is too time consuming and it bores me. The part of writing that I seem to struggle with is writing itself. This is due to the fact that I don’t have much to say and once I have finished what I actually have to say I have trouble with coming up with more. The only part of writing that I would say that I excel at is the revision process. I have one writing goal, that being to have better grammar, other goals are financial.…
“There is absolutely nothing to write about, school is either too easy to have problems or useless to try to solve them,” I thought as I read my writing prompt. The sheet of paper stated that too write about a time that I worked to solve a problem at school. The only events I could manage to think of were when the class had down time and solved a bug in a program, which wasn’t really school related, and having to present a paper, but that topic had been used for a paper in 7th grade. To avoid being called out for not writing, I started writing random sentences until the idea came to me to write about having to think of a topic to write about. The only issue with that is that I still couldn’t write.…
“Oh my gosh! I hate this! I don 't want to do this!” The screaming thought that always came through my mind when my teachers told me to we had a writing assignment. I especially hated it when they would give it a back grade after hard work and stressing it.…
I’m not confident with my ability to set up my paragraphs in essays because I can’t make my essays flow. My papers get very boring because I can be repetitive in my essays and I tend to lose focus on the purpose of the essay. In addition, my introductions are my weakest point because a paper can’t be strong without a strong introductory paragraph. I never learned any good ways to make a paper intriguing from the start and I think it can make my essays memorable.…