Highschool, a place teenagers to develop important skills that they need for their journey into adulthood, whether it be grasping life 's basic fundamentals, establishing a connection to the laws of our society, and most of all, the skills for their future career, whether it 's something as simple as a librarian or as complicated as a brain surgeon, highschool is where it all begins, or at least where it should be begin. Giving students the power over their own curriculum is a critical step forwards in creating a highschool experience that is not only considerably more useful in helping students leave highschool with a career goal in mind, …show more content…
Students always have that one subject, the one subject they hate, it 's on their mind as soon as they walk into the doors of school, and on their minds when they leave, infact its probably on their mind the whole time at school. The anxiety and stress it causes would affect the students marks in other classes as well, which may result in the student not getting good marks on their report card, not getting into that prestigious university, and ultimately, not getting the career of which they dreamed of. Allowing students to take the classes they want, would not only grant them the ability to drop this one class, but be able to replace it with something they enjoy instead, and if you like the subject, it will motivate you to try harder at it, resulting in better marks, a better attitude, a better school environment and a shot at your dream job. It is common knowledge to say that, when someone chooses to something they are motivated, they take those extra steps to work harder because they have a passion for it, when someone is forced to do something they are reluctant, they’re hesitant, they don’t want to do it. The only reason they are doing it is because of the fact that punishments are laid down behind the task they are being told to do, but if the student actually enjoys doing …show more content…
Some students may appear to be smarter than others and people may think this may be because that one student is more intelligent than the others, however this is not always true as some students just have different learning styles than others, for example that one student may be one who benefits off of a visual style of learning, while the others in the class may benefit off of one more hands on, but because these students aren 't learning in their preferred form of learning they are struggling more than the “smart” student. Now, putting each student in their own classroom isn’t the best idea as everyone learns differently, but the students can be put into somewhat specific categories, and the teacher can work from there, though there are some students that are actually smarter than others, and the ones that are struggling should be able to change the difficulty of their course. One may argue the very solid point that students would only take easy classes, which would hinder motivation and inhibit the students to learn as much as they are capable of doing so. This argument is valid, people who refuse to find ways to motivate or challenge themselves will