From time immemorial, humans have created visual images and these images carry meaning based on their context of creation. Art is appreciated from its shape and content base on the creator of the image, background and motive. The images at the museum have a complete new form of communicating on socio-political issues that have taken before and relate them to our current world. Drawing and paintings make another form of imagery. We use art as a form of communication between humans, as a way to express our thoughts and reactions. The use of images of various shapes, shade to add meaning to something produce a lot of reasoning that humans have attributed in different situation based on pre-conceive knowledge about the subject …show more content…
However, the more knowledgeable the person has, the better is his or her analyzing skill. Art brings about change because people use it as a means to express things as they happen. Art is subjective because it is centered on the personal expression of the artist. If art was so effective in bringing about positive change in our society, it would have created a better society for all, but instead it has created a forum of expression and protest. Art has a lot of drawbacks in all aspect ranging from painting, that very few would have the opportunity to see, and sculptures, that are banned, and still boils down to the education of the mind. The actual change that the museum has brought to our societies is the education. We should first of all educate ourselves before we start discussing about the positive changes that art has