Spending two and half hours in each classroom, I learned a great deal about early childhood education from ages birth through eight, and the effort and skills that it takes to create a stimulating learning environment. For my infant, toddler, and preschool observations, I spent my hours at the CCC Childcare Center located in our college while for my kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade observations, I spent my time at Casey Park Elementary School. During my observations at the CCC Childcare Center, I learned plenty about the methods and practices that go into early education before primary grades. The preschool classroom really stood out to me because the centers in the classroom were very open ended and filled with lots of manipulative for…
When I was pregnant with all my children I would be filled with anticipation with what will they look like and who will they be with they grow up. But the sad part of this anticipation is wishing past every stage of their development to see the adult they will become. I often wonder if my mom thought the same things when she was pregnant with me and I wonder if she likes what she sees now that I am an…
Initial contact: CW Holland made initial contact with Gylian “William” Long and the three minor children Graylan “Jace”, Gylian “Ethan” and Garren “Cade”. Cade and Ethan are sleep. Ethan is observed to be sleep on the couch. Cade was in the bed room sleep on a blow up mattress.…
Observational Study of Infant and Caregiver An observational study is a form of naturalistic observation, “in which some naturally occurring behavior is observed without intervention in the situation” (Feldman, R.S., 2015, p. 27). On September 26th, 2016, an observer secretly watched a young, African American mother and her nine month old, female infant at the chain store BuyBuyBaby in Central Park, Fredericksburg, Virginia. For about an hour, from 15:00 to 16:00, the observer followed this mother and child throughout the store.…
It is important to evaluate whether or not the EYPP is making a difference to the children who need it the most. In the early years observations take place to assess where a child currently is working within according to the EYFS. This is where a good relationship between the setting and family would make a difference. A knowledgeable key person will know their key child’s starting points and will be able to track their progress through their assessments. In May 2015 OFSTED began including children receiving EYPP in their inspections.…
Anecdotal Notes Due to confidentiality of the child observed, the child will be referred to as “John”. John is a three year old Hispanic male. John’s teacher shared that this is his first time in child care. John resides with his mother, in the home of his maternal grandmother and three aunts. John’s home primary language is English.…
Observation Paper: Early Childhood Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to observe a child between the ages of 2-16, while reviewing which stages of development they are in. By observing the child it helps retain information correlating with the class by having to go back and remember what was discussed. Understanding development is important because then you are aware which stages a child should be in.…
Standardized Screening Assessments Chart and Essay Unit 3 CE300-Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Lindsey Schmidt August 13, 2015 Part II Case Scenario: You have been hired as the new director of an Early Childhood Program. During the interview and hiring process, you realize that the culture in this Early Childhood Program has historically been centered on the use of informal portfolios as the sole assessment format. The staff and families enjoy the use of portfolios and are very satisfied with this type of informal assessment. What is this organization’s culture concerning assessment?…
Child Observation Report Two For the Life-Span Development course at Dordt College, a child with his parents and grandparents were observed and recorded for the purpose of students to study the actions of the child. I watch this recording on March 19th, 2016. With the approval of the mother and with the consent form signed, Dr. Christians began interacting with the child, Jonas. Jonas is four years old.…
I observed a three-year-old child at Head Start in Amanda, Ohio on September 29, 2016. I observed his motor skills, cognitive skills, and his emotional abilities. One important thing to note is the child I studied has being removed from his parents, has been in foster care and currently resides with his aunt and uncle. The child I studied did not speak too much and when he did he was very soft spoken, hard to understand and clearly had some speech problems as his teacher indicated to me. He over-…
Throughout the observations I noticed there was a relatively even amount of information regarding the four developmental domains: physical, cognitive, social, and emotional. The first instance of physical development was in observation two when children were playing outside. Children were climbing the playground and running around in the play area. Children should be encouraged to run around while outside, if they aren’t then children are antsy in times when they need to be quiet and still.…
This study chose to, “examine the potential intergenerational transmission of social skills and psychosocial problems (i.e., loneliness and anxiety) among a sample of 255 father-mother-adult child triads,” (Burke et al., 2013). Burke, Woszidlo, & Sergin (2013) argued that one of the primary places to learn any kind of social skills is in a family setting. How a parent communicates with others arounds them can influence their child and can even go as far as predicting what kind of social skills their child will develop. This study focuses on young adult children as they are not only influenced by their parents, but also by their roommates and peers around them that could potential overrule the effects of the parental model (Burke et al., 2013).…
The observation was conducted at the Center for Child and Family Studies. The observations of the children were conducted using two methods. The first method of observation was running record global observations. During this observation, the child is observed for a total of 5 minutes. This method involves recording everything in the order it happens with as much detail as possible.…
There are five major perspectives on child development: psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, context, and evolutionary. Psychoanalytic perspective is the theory of personality developed by Freud that focuses on repression and unconscious forces and includes the concepts of infantile sexuality, resistance, transference, and division of the psyche into the Id, ego, and superego. Freud was also the first one who believed that all human beings were born with the desire towards hunger, sex and aggression. The Id is present at birth at represents unconscious desires, the ego is conscious and balances the needs of the id with societal demands, and the superego is the moral guide. Freud broke this development up into five stages.…
Student A has shown major development over my time of observing her. She has gone from drawing shapes that were not definite to writing her full name and other words. I think writing and reading is her main focus because she enjoys it. She voluntarily chooses these centers to work at during the day. She also enjoys the home living center.…