Easy babies are also adaptable to unfamiliar circumstances and their body functions operate regularly and normally (Feldman, R.S., 2015, p. 143). As the mother brought her child into the store, she curiously looked about her surroundings and played with the child seat straps of the cart, as well as her mother’s keys. Her physical development seemed in norms, as the nine month old infant was able to sit up straight, hold her head up, and grasp both small and large items (Feldman, R.S., 2015, p. 102). This type of development goes hand in hand with reflexes, which are “unlearned, organized involuntary responses that occur automatically in the presence of certain stimuli” (p. 101) Reflexes tend to be the for the purpose of survival and lay the foundation for future, more complex behaviors (Feldman, R.S., 2015, p. 101). For example, this infant displayed signs of the Babinski reflex, when the mother stroked the baby’s shoeless foot. The Babinski reflex happens for an unknown purpose, and should disappear by the time the child turns two years of age. The child, at nine months of age, was able to grasp objects with thumb and finger, which is a milestone of fine motor development (Feldman, R.S., 2015, p. 102). This is within norms, “the average performance of a large sample of children of a given age” (Feldman, R.S., 2015, p. 103). A short conversation between …show more content…
The sensitive period of life is a time of development when humans are susceptible to certain stimuli in their environments. However, the effects of these stimuli can be reversed (Feldman, R.S., 2015, p. 96). The treatment of this infant may be different in the personal household than in public. The mother’s use of teratogens, or harmful substances that may cause birth defects, whether or not they are visible is crucial in the health of this infant (Feldman, R.S., 2015, p. 63). During this time, it is also important for the infant to create a trusting relationship with the caregiver. According to Erikson, the first 18 months of life is a time when infants develop senses of trust or mistrust based off of how well their needs are met (Feldman, R.S., 2015, p. 142). The infant observed seemed to be happy and had great trust in her caregiver, but this can be disproven by the fact the observer never saw the child removed from the adult. This is a reason why secure attachment cannot be concluded with this