Strange Situation Classification Essay

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Have you ever felt down when an infant declines you or when he/she does not want to make eye contact with you? Well there is a reason for why the child acts differently. As many of us know, many infants have different type of attachment style. By different attachment style, I mean how one infant will be playful with a stranger alone or with its caregiver and stranger together and the other infant will not be playful. He/she will not try to make eye contact with the stranger or if the caregiver and the stranger are together the infant will only pay attention to its caregiver. Many people don’t know on why infants act differently, but in this case Mary Ainsworth did a procedure called “Strange Situation Classification”. While doing this procedure she automatically got three different attachment styles called secure (type B), insecure avoidant (type A), and insecure ambivalent/resistant (Type C). It is important for the reader to know this because they may learn a lot of things they shouldn’t do in order for the infant not to act differently with them. This can be something they can change from doing something wrong. Secure is when an infant feels heartbroken when its mother leaves, but then finds something to do while waiting for the caregiver to come back. …show more content…
These children are the ones who feel protected and can always count on their caregivers to return back. When they are with a stranger alone the infant tries to avoid the stranger until the caregiver comes back; he/she will not avoid the stranger anymore since his/her protector is with them. By the time the caregiver comes back the infant will feel extremely happy and will use the mother as a “safe base” in order to explore what’s around them. The issue with secure children is that they keep a positive mind knowing its caregiver will always be there for them and never abandon them even when they are with a stranger.
Insecure avoidant is when the infant ignores the caregiver when leaving and will not show any kind of emotions when caregiver return. When the infant is left alone with a stranger they automatically start to play with them and by the time the caregiver returns the infant will only show little interest. The issue on why the infant is ignoring the caregiver is because the caregiver tends to reject the infant emotionally or won’t give any attention to them. Insecure ambivalent/resistant is when an infant will start to cry or get angry when the caregiver leaves them alone. When the infant is with a stranger he/she will avoid them, but will be afraid of them. By the time the caregiver comes back the infant will not make any eye contact with them and will even push them away. The issue with these children is that when the caregiver attempts to leave the infant they will cry, but as soon as the caregiver comes back the infant’s emotion will be angry with the caregiver for leaving them alone. The reason on why these infants have these attachment styles is because of their caregivers which in this case are the parents. The parents of these infants don’t often pay attention to them and it hurts the little ones. For example, secure infants have parents that are responsible and will care for their kids as much as possible. They know when their parents immediately have respect for them. Insecure avoidant infants have parents that don’t pay attention to them. This causes the infant to think that they are not wanted by their parents because they reject them. Lastly, insecure ambivalent infants are the ones that throw a tantrum when his/her parents don’t listen to them. They tend to exaggerate too much in order to get attention. Some steps that parents can follow to have a healthier relationship with their children is by spending time together. Every kid needs to have a bonding time with their parents. If one child does not spend any time with his/her parents they may think their parents don’t have any time for them. It is awful when a child feels like that because they will feel

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