Infant Observation Report

Superior Essays
I completed my infant observation at the University Child Development Center. The University Child Development Center specializes in childcare for infants all the way up to children age 12. The infant I observed was about eight months of age and was placed in a classroom that usually has a relatively small number of infants for better one on one attention. As I completed my observation, I observed all five developmental domains which include physical, emotional and social, cognitive, adaptive, and language and communication. The physical domain of development is comprised of subdomains of gross motor, fine motor, and oral motor. This domain focuses on an infant’s increase in strength, coordination, stamina, muscle mass, and bone growth (“Infant …show more content…
This means the way at which infants receive, process, and organize information gathered from their senses (“Infant Toddler,” 2012). Throughout the observation, the infant often imitated the teacher roaring, playing peek-a-boo, and bye-bye. The infant was also capable of distinguishing between whether or not an object was still present when hidden behind the teacher. The infant would move the teacher’s body part out of the way to see the object, which demonstrates an understanding of object permanence (“Infant Toddler,” 2012). The infant was also able to perceive the teacher’s intentions with different toys. For example, when the teacher had a ball, the infant knew that the teacher was going to roll it. According to Fogel, infants start to perceive others’ intentions around six months old and are capable of object permanence around seven months …show more content…
As I observed the infant, I noticed the infant smiled and laughed a lot. The infant preferred interaction with the teacher and often looked up to keep the teacher in sight. The infant also displayed a little stranger anxiety because they often looked over towards me with an unfamiliar facial expression. The infant seemed to have easy temperament meaning they were in positive mood and was able to quickly to adapt (Speaks-Fold). In all, the infant social and emotional development were in normal range for their age

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