Every parent has, at some point, wondered what their baby is thinking, feeling, or dreaming. This thought-provoking documentary peeks into a babies’ life through their perceived perspective and brings some clarity to these thoughts. This film allows a viewer to witness the natural development of infants and their growth through childhood in addition to their resilience, survival skills, and coping mechanisms which make humans first years of life so extraordinary. Upon arrival a newborn is perceived to only eat, sleep, and cry. The truth behind that is not entirely true. The film explains how babies have amazing abilities that are eventually lost to them as they grow older. They endure incredible physical shocks, adapt to changes, and cope with extreme conditions during the first two years of life, which is the most crucial time of their development.
The show opens explaining how a baby’s body goes through a miraculous change upon delivery to survive outside the womb to his adaptable capabilities to …show more content…
The Secret Life of Babies is a heart-warming documentary highlighting a development from infancy to childhood. From how we communicate, how we feel, how we think, to how mobile we are initiates from our early development and nurturing. I found it enlightening to find there was quite a bit I was unaware of. For instance, how much travel time a baby gets in after they become mobile as well as messy eating enhances learning to how many times a baby laughs. I also never would of thought about a baby’s cuteness being a survival skill, but it makes sense. Who doesn’t love a baby, whether it’s a human or animal? It was validating after reading the first module of our book and watching this documentary to learn how far research and technology have come in discovering how our bodies and minds work as well as how miraculous we are as