Re: The taxability of meal vouchers furnished by CJ Hospital to its medical staff Facts The facts are stipulated as follows; CJ hospital has a cafeteria that closes at 8:00 pm and a privately owned sandwich shop, Subway operating 24 hours on its premises. The hospital provides meal vouchers to all its 240 medical employees to be redeemed at the cafeteria or Subway. This voucher is meant to be used when the employees are on call in case of an emergency.…
1. A description of the profession A CRNA cares for a patient before, during, and after a medical procedure or surgery. A CRNA is responsible for getting the patient ready for anesthesia, implementing patient assessment, issue and preserve proper sedation and pain management, supervise patient recovery from anesthesia, along with making sure the patients’ post-operative needs are met. 2.…
This semester has really helped me see my potential as a student. I have developed new habits, learned new strategies, and exceeded many academic and personal goals. In this essay I will be explaining how this SDEV course helped me do all these things, as well as help me decide the career i will be pursuing. Throughout my college experience I have been pursuing a sociology degree but, the more I learned about Psychology the more I started to be attracted to it. Our Holland Typology assignment really helped me gain insight into both of the majors I have been stuck between.…
CFT/ Treatment team meeting was held at East Mountain Youth Lodge and present were Jasmine Alexander (Care Manager), Akissa Johnson (youth), Eileen Myers (Legal Guardian), Alyssa Cariani (Substance abuse counselor), Lauren Floroff (Residential Therapist) and Maria Flores (FSO partner). The SNA and JCR will be completed by EMYL. The following was discussed: Behavior: Ms. Cariani at EMYL informed the team that the youth enjoys enjoying NA group sessions and youth is the essay leader. Ms. Cariani explained to the team that when youth is in NA groups youth reports that she is trigger to use substances but does not.…
Nursing in West Texas A&M university. Helen Keller once stated,” The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Nursing is a way to give back to people in the time of need. West Texas A&M university, home of the buffs, ranked 72nd in Texas public universities , will prepare for my future in nursing.…
When I completed my DiSC assessment it showcased not only my strengths but most importantly my weaknesses. It showcased that I sometimes set unrealistic goals, push people at a pace that doesn’t allow them time to develop necessary skills, and am impulsive. Although I disagree with some of them, I am also aware that they are things that I need to improve in. Also, I sometimes lack self-regulation which is all tied together with the results from my DiSC assessment.…
I’d rate myself around six or seven because I definitely read enough, I just wasn’t consistent with my reading throughout the term. My goal was both too easy and too hard for me. Too easy because I have read enough hours, but too hard because of how consistent my goal forced me to be with my reading, and I guess because of that I learned how bad I am at getting myself to do things I don’t want to do, and I found myself thinking things like “I’ll just read tomorrow” and “Reading is fun, I’m going to want to read someday!…
I believe I can take criticism well, but occasionally I have to think about feedback before I come to the realization that the person who was critiquing me was ultimately correct. That is why I gave myself a 9 in the cognitive complexity category. For the psychological adjustment category, I gave myself a 9. As a counselor, you must leave your own problems out of a session. You can’t burden your client with your problems as well as your own.…
Self Assessment Assignment I wasn’t that surprised as to what my results were when I took the FOCUS 2 tests. I know exactly what are my values, personality, skills, leisure time, and work interests. Yet, these little tests got the correct predicament of each of the five areas about myself. These different tests made me more aware of the choice most suitable to me individually.…
In the life factors section, I scored 90% out of a maximum of 100, which shows that my everyday life will not impact but will assist me in achieving my goals. It showed that I have the time, the place, the reason, the resources and the skills to be successful in this program and being a physical therapist assistant. My experiences have helped with the development of my skills pertaining to computer competency with a score of 90 % out of the maximum of 100. This will be crucial with documentation guidelines along with my gross score in typing speed, which was 46 words per minute with an accuracy of 100%. This word per minute speed put me in the 4th 10% in average speed among other people and will help myself get my documentation complete timely and accurate.…
Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical (C-T-E) system based practice is a well-defined way to steer knowledge that is detailed to the discipline of nursing, by means of nursing conceptual depictions and nursing theories (Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2013). The use of C-T-E system in the field of nursing practice involves a tremendous level of critical creativity, clinical decision making, implication of proper psychomotor capabilities, ethnically sensitive personal dealings, and nursing care, therefore the uses of the C-T-E system based practice is pertinent to the doctoral prepared nurse practitioner (Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2013). According to Fawcett and DeSanto-Madeya (2013) the C-T-E system based practice assists nurses to comprehend important…
Nurses play an essential role in promoting family health and wellness. They can empower families to work together to obtain and maintain health by focusing on health promotion strategies that are efficient, organized, logical, and include all members (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, & Hanson, 2015). In this discussion, I will review a nursing intervention strategy that can be used to promote health for a specific family, describe the major points of the strategy, and identify and describe a family who might benefit from the strategy. I will also discuss why the family needs this health promotion and explain how I would intervene to help them with health promotion activities.…
As a part of my first year seminar class, I was required to participate in Fall Palooza. Fall Palooza is considered an ALE (applied learning experience). Fall Palooza is a health fair put on by the staff and students in pre nursing. It is meant to spread awareness about prominent issues in our society which includes substance abuse. Substance abuse is even more prominent in adolescents (college students).…
Facing Challenges In the fields of personality types every person may have a different kind. Some may have INTJ, INTP, etc, or some may have ISTJ. ISTJ stands for Introverted (shy and reserved), Sensing (using emotion), Thinking (using the mind), and Judging (having an opinion about someone). ISTJ means that an individual can come off as quiet or reserved and he or she is also engaged in living in peace. (Merriam-webster dictionary)(Personality page paragraph 2)…
Monday, October 5th: For the last clinical day at Hampton Homes, I was in the role of doing home visits. We made two homes visits today. Both home visits were to clients I had never visited before. One client talked a very long time about her community and environment. I asked her questions as we talked, and she revealed a lot about the area she lives in.…