Savvy people with diabetes have a dedicated health care team to help them develop and maintain good lifestyle habits. This team includes nurse practitioners, primary care physicians and physician assistants who treat diabetes. Learn what role each of these important team members plays in the ongoing care and treatment of diabetes.
Your primary care physician (PCP) is the doctor you see for general checkups and when you feel sick. Often your primary care doctor will refer to you other specialists, such as an endocrinologist who specializes in endocrine system diseases, such as diabetes. Some primary care physicians directly care for people with diabetes. …show more content…
An MD diagnoses and treats injuries and illnesses, which includes exams, testing and possibly surgery, as well a prescribing medication. An MD must complete four years of medical school, perform up to six years of residency training and pass a national licensing exam to get a state license. A DO performs the same functions as an MD, with similar educational and licensing requirements. However, a DO also learns how to perform musculoskeletal manipulation and consider the whole person to develop a treatment approach.
A physician assistant (PA) examines, diagnoses and treats patients, orders and reviews lab results, performs basic procedures and may assist in surgery. They also provide patient counseling and education, make rounds in clinics and hospitals and prescribe medications. A PA earns a bachelor's degree then completes an accredited PA program before taking a national certification exam to get a state license.
A nurse practitioner a registered nurse with special training in caring for people with diabetes who has passed a national certification exam and holds a state license. A nurse practitioner can assess patients, order and review diagnostic tests and treat certain ailments. Depending on the state, a nurse practitioner may also be able to prescribe …show more content…
Many of them are Certified Diabetes Educators (CDE). These professionals pass a national test the overs teaching, learning, blood glucose testing, physiology and more. Diabetes nurse practitioners usually have a master's or doctoral degree as well as advanced clinical training. They teach patients what diabetes is, how to use medications and administer insulin, how to make lifestyle changes and how to check your blood sugar. They also teach people with diabetes important skills such as ways to handle sick days ways to stay healthy during pregnancy and the symptoms of high and low blood sugar.
Other nurses people with diabetes might see include registered nurses (RN), who take health histories, provide patient care and education, coordinate care and conduct preliminary physical exams. These nurses have a degree from an approved nursing program and need to pass a national licensing exam. There are also licensed practical nurses (LPN) and licensed vocational nurses (LVN) who provide basic nursing care under the direction of doctors and registered nurses. These professionals also complete a state-approved educational program and pass a licensing