What is the difference between a Nurse Practitioner and a Physician’s Assistant then? “A Physician’s Assistant (PA) provides medical care under the supervision of a physician... diagnosing and treating patients, ordering tests and reading x-rays” (Differences). On the other hand, Nurse Practitioners usually work independently of a physician and “offer a combination of nursing and health care services” (Differences). The duties of a Nurse Practitioner and a Physician’s Assistant are very similar, but there a few differences. First, Nurse Practitioners are able to prescribe medication in all fifty states whereas only certain states allow Physician Assistants to prescribe …show more content…
Third, the key skills for a Nurse Practitioner are “interpersonal skills and leadership” and the key skills for a Physician’s Assistant are “emotional stability and communication” (Differences). A major difference between Nurse Practitioners and Physician’s Assistants is the type of education they receive. Nurse Practitioners attend Nursing School to learn “preventive based” methods whereas Physician Assistants attend Medical School to learn “surgical based” methods (Blackman-Cockran). Lastly, a Nurse Practitioner earns about $5,000 more than a Physician’s Assistant, which is not that much compared to the annual