News Bias Research Paper

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Website News Bias
This is a very interesting paper for me to write, I am very interested and an avid reader of daily news and have my own favorite sources for information off of the internet. So the topic is about if websites that report the news as face, if they mislead the public or slant the information one way or another, and this could even include Facebook or other Social Media sites for news.
In my opinion yes there are news outlets, or websites that do slant the information one way or the other to basically try to increase their subscriptions, or followers that want that specific information because it slants one specific way, and that is why those people follow that news website. But I don’t think that every single news outlet or news website does this practice, it’s just like when you watch TV there are channels that their shows are based upon what their viewers want to watch, but then there are also TV channels that have a very broad variety of TV shows that will interest almost anyone.
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This is probably the hardest part for anyone to determined, because if you actually read these news articles the reporters, or writers completely believe what they are writing is fact, even if it leans towards a specific direction. Because of this then many people will come up to the conclusion in their own minds that what they are reading or watching is the truth without any bias, but this could be very misleading to the

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