But many veterans are beginning to believe their country has left them behind at
home. We all say we are thankful for are veterans but how do we show it? A
national problem that faces Americans today is the treatment of our veterans. It’s
been debated on and on, is are veterans treated like heroes? Everyday in 2017 an
average of 20 veterans committed suicide. In the last 15 years more soldiers have
committed suicide than have died in Afghanistan. According to David Green,“ Suicide
among veterans is 22 percent higher than for civilians of the same age, and broken …show more content…
How can we help
those who served to protect our rights as free Americans. We need a change!
First, what is affecting our veterans pushing them to commit suicide. The
pentagon funded a study on why are veterans committing suicide. They found,” that
the veterans didn’t want to harm themselves as much as they want the pain they're
currently in to stop, and they don't see any other way out.” Many veterans suffer
from PTSD or major depression. What is PTSD, it is post traumatic stress disorder
this occurs when a shocking and dangerous event that you see or that happens to
you. Of the 1.7 million troops that served in both the Iraq and Afghanistan 300,000
have been diagnosed with either one of these conditions. According to national
center of PTSD,“ Many symptoms of depression overlap with the symptoms of PTSD.
For example, with both depression and PTSD, veterans have trouble sleeping or
keeping there mind focused. They also may not feel pleasure or interest in