How can we not be grateful for the long suffering our Veterans endure for countless years, just to give us peace of mind? Or to insult the very beings that ensure we have a safe life? I have been at a Veterans’ Day assembly, and upon my departure of the auditorium I overheard my own peers saying that was stupid and that it was just a waste of time. We take our Veterans for granted. On a rare occasion do we remember the lives of our Veterans. War doesn’t just disappear in the minds of former Veterans. It can scar them for the rest of their lives. Veterans are not just a little thing to be thrown in the back of our …show more content…
They have dedicated their lives to their country and deserve to be recognized for their commitment.” This is the perfect quote and explains my view of the importance of Veterans in ways I never could. These are all reasons I appreciate Veterans for keeping our country safe. Veterans are honorable beings, risking their lives for us, who should be appreciated for keeping America the land of the