Many people in the south denied this though because of lack of farming afterward. They wanted people to fight for keeping slavery and many people died fighting over others rights to freedom. Another war that came upon us was on September 11, 2001 when two planes dove into the World trade center. Many people died that day and the US automatically took action against the terrists. This cause many people to want to join the army to fight for the people who had died on that day. Now if we look to the present that the veterans gave us we wouldn’t be the country that we are today we may be still ruled by Britain or still have people in slavery, but people are still standing up for us even today . children today are looking up to those people as hero and sometimes they will want to fallow the footsteps of their family members hoping to be as brave as they are and fight for their country and people that they love because they know that they are helping everyone. Now people don’t realize but when veterans come home everything has changed for them and they miss many things. They could miss the day that their child is born or they may lose contact with old friends that they had. Now what can veterans
Many people in the south denied this though because of lack of farming afterward. They wanted people to fight for keeping slavery and many people died fighting over others rights to freedom. Another war that came upon us was on September 11, 2001 when two planes dove into the World trade center. Many people died that day and the US automatically took action against the terrists. This cause many people to want to join the army to fight for the people who had died on that day. Now if we look to the present that the veterans gave us we wouldn’t be the country that we are today we may be still ruled by Britain or still have people in slavery, but people are still standing up for us even today . children today are looking up to those people as hero and sometimes they will want to fallow the footsteps of their family members hoping to be as brave as they are and fight for their country and people that they love because they know that they are helping everyone. Now people don’t realize but when veterans come home everything has changed for them and they miss many things. They could miss the day that their child is born or they may lose contact with old friends that they had. Now what can veterans