Native Mascots Research Paper

Decent Essays
Native Mascot Zahnive George Ever since I was a child I was always told that I was a mascot and it was an honor to be consider a mascot. I always looked at it that way. I always thought the native people loved to be consider a mascot of a popular school team, football team, basketball team, etc. As any child I was always naive and thought everything was as it seem. I would always look at natives as a brand instead of a race. A type of a mascot not a nation. Once I remember over hearing a native elderly man and a white man talking. The white mas asked him what he thought of mascots. The elderly man’s response was priceless. He said “Here’s what you’ve got to understand. When you look at African American, you see ghosts of all the slavery. When you look at Jews, you see ghosts of all those bodies piled up in death camps. But when you look at Native American you don’t see the ghosts of the little babies with their heads smashed in by rifle butts. You don’t see any ghosts at all,” he said. …show more content…
“It is an honor” or “Get over it, this is America, look at the American Dream”. I then realize I haven’t waken up to the American dream because I’m still in the American Nightmare. Thinking about my ancestors who fought for their land they loved, they didn’t do it for themselves but for the next generations. To think Native American mascot are okay to put out there on T.V. People need to realize the native people are a Race a Nation, not a Mascot to pounce around with fake

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