High School Mascots Research Paper

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Actions define consequences is ethical. In the cartoon “Mascots” it virtuously shows the truth about school mascots. In the Excerpt “Lather and Nothing Else” consequentially the barber could have murdered the general but chose not to due to his morals. In the song “Independence Day” deontologically a mother protects her daughter from an abusive relationship.
To begin, High schools should be able to use Indians or Native Americans as a mascot because virtuously it isn’t being used in a disrespectful way, but in a more respectful way. In the cartoon, “ Mascots” Phil Hands persuades middle aged Americans about how Native Americans feel about them being used as High school mascot because it can be offensive. Should High schools be able to use Native Americans as a mascot? “ Reservation High school home of the land stealing pale faces.” This shows disrespect between the races, and is not acceptable. Since having different races as mascots is offensive, they should not be aloud. If a school mascot is going to be offensive it wont be aloud.
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An important quote from the excerpt “ I do not want to stain my hands with blood, just with lather nothing else” (2). Killing the executioner would be against morals and would not make the barber any better of a person. This action would make the barber a murderer as

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