Pros And Cons Of Native American Mascots

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Throughout the years society has become more and more sensitive to certain topics regarding feelings and emotions. The smallest action or word can trigger a person to become offended or get angry about a topic or event. One such topic is the use of Native American mascots throughout different school, universities and professional sports teams. There are two sides for this argument that most people stand on, they are either all for or all against the use of such mascots. The use of Native American mascots gives off a sense of pride and honor to those who represent the mascot by making them feel a part of something important, retains the heritage of the tribe in that community, and shows values such as leadership and bravery that many Native …show more content…
This controversial issue has two clear sides. Many people feel that Native American mascots should not be used in sports. To begin with, people believe that using such mascots are racist and stereotypical. Such mascots give off a negative image for Native American children. Having to change the school’s mascot could cost the organization too much money. On the other hand, many people feel that Native American mascots are perfectly acceptable to use. The mascot gives off a sense of pride and honor to those who represent the school’s mascot by making them feel a part of something important. When using a Native American mascot the local community is able to retain its heritage and promote it in the community. Lastly, by having a Native American mascot it can represent bravery and leadership that many Native Americans have shown throughout the decades. When a school has a Native American mascot or any other type of controversial mascot, the school can be able to educate people of the purpose of having the mascot by the culture that remains in the area due to the mascot’s …show more content…
Many schools such as East Central Community College and Florida State respect the use of their mascot and take pride in its use. According to Pam Perillo who attended a high school with a Native American mascot, "As a graduate of North Haven High School, we never considered the Indian as our mascot, we considered ourselves a tribe," adding that if not for the Indian tribes in North Haven, particularly Montewese, the chief of the Quinnipiac tribe, the town would never have come to be. "Without his help, the people of North Haven would not have survived," she said. "[He is found] everywhere, including on our town seal." (Ramunni). Some tribes are okay with the use of mascots and think they are perfectly fine to be used. The Saginaw Chippewas in Michigan approve of the use of Indian mascots because it retains their culture and shows pride of their tribes past accomplishments (Lukas). By allowing a school to have a Native American mascot it brings the community and school closer by letting them to be able to hold on to the heritage of that tribe and to continue to give off pride to those in attendance and tribe members still

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