The release reads, “Colleges and universities may adopt any mascot that they wish, as that is an institutional matter, but as a national association, we believe that mascots, nicknames or images deemed hostile or abusive in terms of race, ethnicity or national origin should not be visible at the championship events that we control," (NCAA 2005). The release goes on to state that in 2004, 33 teams were asked to evaluate their use of Native American imagery around their athletics programs and their campuses. By the time the 2005 press release came out 18 schools still used names derived from Native Americans, 14 had removed all references to Native Americans, and one was still doing its self investigation. This release then goes on to encourage that the 18 teams makes efforts to remove the imagery from their …show more content…
They consistently show a lack of respect and care for the people they base their team’s main imagery off of. The entire team’s name is based off the color of a race’s skin and they try to deem it okay because they got people to participate in a half time show four decades ago. The name and the efforts to keep it show a lack of connection with the times. It might have been okay so many years ago to use this team name, but nowadays it is about respecting everybody. This logo and team name completely miss the mark on that. They would rather keep with all of the same old ways than getting not only with the times, but to the point of basic human respect by not naming a team the color of skin for an entire group of people. Other teams are having trouble with the skin color