Narrative Essay: The Baseball Card

Improved Essays
“The Baseball Card”


Rickey and Gary out of school at 2:45 , and they take the same route to school every day. They cut through the old car dealership parking lot , when the boys started to cross the parking lot Gary spotted an old shoe box. Gary then began to kick the box across the parking lot as he walked. Stop gary that's super annoying said Rickey , Gary just looked at Rickey and rolled his eyes and continued to kick the box. Gary gave it one more hard kick and when he did the box open and out spilled a little plastic box. What the hell I didn't realize there was anything in there said Gary , Rickey was way ahead of Gary. Rickey turned around and said “ what are you going on about back there”. He soon realized that Gary had found something so then he went back and investigated

“What did you find gary” said Rickey

“It's a Baseball card”

Rickey looked interested “ let me see”

Rickey looked long and hard at the old baseball card

“ Al Kaline , Who’s that” said Rickey

Gary had a blank expression on his face “ your guess is as good as mine”

Rickey shrugged his shoulders and looked at gary and said “ do you want it”

Gary stuck his hand out “ yeah I will hold on to it”

Gary then open his backpack and shoved it in the bottom of his bag. Then the boys proceed on across the parking lot and reaching
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“I was wondering if we could take turns, with it you know share”. Said Rickey

“NO WAY” Gary screamed ripping his backpack and holding tight to his chest.

“Hey Gary calm down I was only asking a question” said Rickey.

Gary looked at Rickey with a look of suspicion in his eyes “ what's the sudden interest in the card”.

Rickey didn't answer and both boys looked at eachother for a few seconds til Rickey confessed , this card is worth a lot of money. Gary just stared at Rickey with a look of confusion on his face , He then

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