I was furious, throwing my controller around my room, punching walls--the game really gave me an emotional and physical outburst. I finally gave up, and snatched my laptop off my desk, furiously looking up gameplay to help me beat Sephiroth. The answer was so simple, and infuriating. The guy I watched complete it used a spell that brought all of the energy that was killing me into a shield, leaving him unharmed. Of course, I took advantage of it and finally beat Sephiroth. The prize for my hard won victory, was the actual strongest Keyblade in the game: Fenrir. I equipped it, and now wreak havoc on my enemies. In conclusion, patience really helps you stay focused. If you’re impatient and angry, it can lead you to do something stupid and makes you unfocused. I learned that the hard way, but every time I started a new fight in a new day with Sephiroth, I was always optimistic. Granted, it didn’t last long, but it’s the thought that
I was furious, throwing my controller around my room, punching walls--the game really gave me an emotional and physical outburst. I finally gave up, and snatched my laptop off my desk, furiously looking up gameplay to help me beat Sephiroth. The answer was so simple, and infuriating. The guy I watched complete it used a spell that brought all of the energy that was killing me into a shield, leaving him unharmed. Of course, I took advantage of it and finally beat Sephiroth. The prize for my hard won victory, was the actual strongest Keyblade in the game: Fenrir. I equipped it, and now wreak havoc on my enemies. In conclusion, patience really helps you stay focused. If you’re impatient and angry, it can lead you to do something stupid and makes you unfocused. I learned that the hard way, but every time I started a new fight in a new day with Sephiroth, I was always optimistic. Granted, it didn’t last long, but it’s the thought that