To May-bell’s shock and horror, there was the distinct rustle of silk organza coming from the doorway behind her. Her whole body went rigid with fear and her heart was thumping against her ribs with such force that she thought it would burst out of her chest and plop right down at Miss Lore-lei’s feet.
“I’m sure Mr. Anderson, if he were here,” interrupted Lorelei, scaring the blazes out of May-bell once again, “would appreciate your devotion and faithfulness. But I desire my presence here to be a surprise. Anyone going anywhere to inform Mr. Anderson of my presence and spoil that surprise will be severely dealt with. …show more content…
Chapter 6 INSIDE THE LITTLE CABIN that sat on an embankment of the Cache La Poudre River, Ru-by had had the oddest sense of foreboding, all day, that something in her world was about to change. And all day, she’s thought about Mingo.
“I visited Mingo’s grave today,” declared Ruby setting the bowl of stew down in front of Jar-ed. It comforts me knowing that he never had to find out about us. I think it would have broken his heart.”
“I know,” Jared answered, putting his arms around her bulging waist and leaning his head against her hip.
“I don’t know what I would have done,” she said staring straight ahead at the wall, and re-sponding to Jared’s embrace by stroking his shoul-ders. “If I’d had to choose between the two of you.” Later, that night, after they were in bed she’d give him a proper rubdown with some liniment. His back was sure to be sore from all the fencing he’d done.
“I never would have made you choose,” Jar-ed answered secure in their love for one another.
Ruby bent down and kissed him lightly on the forehead. His sweat was salty to the