I am able to read papers, and break them down. I can identify where bias is present, who the audience is, different types of rhetorical strategies used, and how effective the piece is. This class also taught me strategies to stay engaged while reading, even if you do not enjoy the piece that much. Towards the end of the class I analyzed a piece of art work, and it was one of the hardest “breakdowns” I have done. It was difficult to analyze, because there was not a lot of information to go with the picture, but the picture held a strong message. I was able to do so, due to the fact that I had been analyzing text throughout the entire class, so when I was given an image to analyzed it I used some of the same techniques I had used when analyzing texts. I asked myself some questions such as who is the audience? Is the piece effective(or moving)?Does it portray a message? What type of tone is used in this image, is it happy, sad, disturbing, etc? And finally, how does this image make me feel? While asking myself these questions, and using a few assumptions, I was able to analyze the image with …show more content…
The thought of having an open topic was terrifying before the class and I would over think it many times. With the tools I was taught in this course, I now know how to find a topic of interest and write a research paper about it, without it being to broad or too narrowed. I am also now able to receive positive and negative feedback, I can give feedback, and use discussions and ideas from my peers to write a more effective piece. This course helped me create better research methods, create an outline, and use feedback to write a better