My Reflection: My Degree In Human Services

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In deciding my own self-care plan I had to reflect upon my already made accomplishments since starting my degree in Human Services in 2013. I have overall have become a better person, and accomplished goals I felt back then were unattainable. This journey I still continue is so invigorating, rewarding, and spiritual. I have always been compassionate to others, and more accepting of others than the average joe. To be a better person I still needed to find myself and work on me. I have learned to be more acceptance and patients of all walks of life. A few years ago I was impatient of others, or get annoyed with them not seeing my point of view, and their behavior. I was setting myself up for disappointment. I would set certain expectations on others not realizing that these people had no idea. I have learned all of us our different, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I began the process of acceptance. I stopped getting stressed because the guy in front of me didn't hold the …show more content…
I am still working on this part of life on being a healthier person. In the past year I have lost almost 25 pounds, by eating healthier, and exercise. I really want to commit to myself to lose another 10 pounds. I want to be that person that can give others hope after having children that it may take hard work to carry out, but it can get done. I have maintained the low carb lifestyle for one year now, and not only have I lost weight, I feel healthier in the inside. I used to get horrible stomach pains, constant stomach bloat, swelling of extremities, lethargic and heart palpitations when I ate what seemed to be an average amount of carbs. I was mortified when I started reading labels and saw the amount of carbs and sugars in everyday foods including fruits. No wonder I couldn't lose weight and felt terrible all the time. My doctor even told me I could have a carb

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